Interest Only payments are not available to every client or even on every loan. If the offer is available when you are setting up your draw, you can have 1-3 months of interest-only payments. This helps decrease the payment amount at the beginning of your loan, keeping more cash in hand for when you need it.
Articles in this section
- What is Working Capital? What are the different loan types SellersFi offers?
- What can I anticipate as the rates for SellersFi’s Working Capital products?
- What currencies are available for the Credit Limit?
- How can I find my Current Balance in my SellersFi account?
- What are Interest-Only payments?
- Can I lower my rate on my Credit Limit?
- How can I make a draw on my available Credit Limit? When will those funds be available to use?
- Is there a minimum draw on my Credit Limit?
- Can my available credit limit change?
- Once I take a draw from my Credit Limit, where will my funds be deposited?
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