Once a marketplace has initiated the payout, it may take 2-5 business days for the funds to show in your account. SellersFi is unable to determine the date this transfer is made as it is initiated by the Marketplace’s bank.
If it has been 5 business days since your transfer was initiated and the funds are still not in your account, please reach out to our team at customerservice@sellersfi.com. We’ll need the following information to investigate:
- Name of the company or entity that sent payment
- Date the payment was sent
- Payment amount
- Last 4 digits of the Collections Account Number – Note: This is only necessary if you’re funds are in USD or GBP.
- Screenshot of transaction
- Trace Number – Note: This is only necessary for USD transfers. The Number is 15 digits with no additional characters and can be provided by the company that sent the payment.
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